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Aerial view of a bridge over the Connecticut River with green mountains.

We protect, restore, and advocate for the Connecticut River

Get to Know Our Mission, Vision, & Values

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Connecticut River Conservancy is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to the Connecticut River watershed in New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, and Connecticut. We collaborate with regional partners to restore and advocate for your rivers, and educate and engage communities. We bring people together to prevent pollution, improve habitat, and promote enjoyment of the river and its tributary streams. Join us to support healthier rivers today!

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Join Us for Community Science!

The warm summer season brings many new opportunities for community science to the Connecticut River watershed. Volunteer with us for sea lamprey nest surveys and water chestnut pulls at many different locations. We can definitely use some extra hands!


Tons of trash removed from rivers


Old dams & culverts removed


Trees planted in the watershed


Sites annually tested for bacteria

River Stories from Around the Watershed

Latest News

We envision a future where people and wildlife can enjoy

a clean, free-flowing Connecticut River.

Upcoming Events

Volunteer Opportunity:

Water chestnut is a harmful aquatic, invasive species, which is known to take over stretches of water. When left unchecked, water chestnut has the potential to decimate ecosystems and eliminate recreational opportunities.

Join us in MA and CT for weekly pulls in your local ponds, coves and rivers!

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